Please share your story about Marie by submitting the Share button below:

Friend and Co-Worker
Brenda Patsalos

“My Dear Friend Marie: There will be no other like you. You are the most genuine person I have every met. You were always there when I need someone to listen or just cry to. I loved you for the person you are. You made me laugh when I wanted to cry. You were always so positive and I thank you for being you. We shared so many stories together and we laughed so many time. I am gonna miss the small talk and laughs we had.
You have earned your wings here on earth so now you must spread them from above. Keep that careful eye open on us down here. Never to be forgotten, just beautiful memories a beautiful woman. You are my Angel. Love Brenda”

My Mamma ❤️
Diana Marie

“I love remembering the days we were young and times were good. I remember Pieces like riding in your Cutlass Supreme ( You loved sooo much ). I think it was a convertible. I know you loved driving that car…and we would just go for rides and alot of times end up ar dairy queen or Baskin Robbins for ice cream🥰 I know I’ve mentioned before too how much you loved taking us to the beach or when really young we went to wrights pond alot qith Nana and Papa…I know you loved those days as we did. It was your time to just relax and enjoy being away from the house. Growing up we had a lot of really good memories. I know there were lots of not so good ones too but i choose to keep those beautiful alive in my head and heart as long as my brain will let me remember! I truly believe we chose YOU to be our Mamma before we got here and I know we all made the right choice!!! I love and miss you my Beautuful Mamma!!!! I’ll be back with more 🥰”

Met John through the Grief Recovery Method Specialist Training
Lindsey Merrick

“I never had the pleasure of meeting Marie, but I just recently became friends with her son John and he shared such beautiful memories and stories about his mother with me. It was truly touching hearing about their relationship and I could feel the love they shared. I always think of my Poppy when I hear Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion, but now I will think about Marie too”

"My Nuna"
Ryan Pancine

“I will always remember the first time I ever met Marie, in a everett. We had a going away party for a coworker of hers. She brought over her chicken parm and stuffed peppers. Honestly, the best of both I have ever had. Not sure what was so unique, but still to the day, I crave nunnas food. I always think of you and your smiling face, no matter your mood. Love you and til we meet again ❤”

Walmart Co-Worker
Kris Rogers

Your mom always made me feel like the prettiest girl in the world! She would tell me every morning, as soon as she got to work. She would always swing by the service desk and give me a hug and kiss. When I was pregnant, she would encourage me all along the way. Once I had Jay, she would tell him he was the most handsome little guy in the whole world. He always enjoyed seeing her and would giggle so hard, while she talked to him. We enjoyed her spirit because she always encouraged us. Her spirit was unmatched. Some people in this world are just truly good people, and she was one of them!

Be blessed! Love you!

Co-Worker and Friend
Cheryl Crane

Marie you were such  an amazing person with a beautiful heart.  I remember a very dark time for me and my two  girls; you came and picked us up took us to dinner and took us to your home in chelmsford  for the night you gave your bed up to my girls.  At work we shared so many laughs.  I remember your favorite thing I’m taking my break and having my coffee  lolol… Don’t bother me I’m on break!  We had so much fun.  We habe gone out to dinner…so many memories I wish I could tell them all you’ll always and forever be in my heart  I love you so much and I miss you.  Not a day goes bye I don’t think about you.  You’ve taught me so much for that I thank you for being in my life ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Co-worker and FAN of her life
Lorrie Green

“I first met Ms. Marie when she started at Walmart in Raleigh, NC. She was so unlike everyone around. Friendly, loud and distinctively not southern. Her warm spirit, easy laughs and genuine love to talk to people are things that will stay with me forever. She became a fast friend and gave me hope to get through a dark time in my life. She was an amazing woman, loved by all. God truly blessed us in the time we got with this beautiful woman.”

Area Manager, Howard Johnson's and Bickford's
Joe Egan

“Your Mom was the “Best”
I remember her the 1st time I met her at Ho Jo’s in 1994
She asked me if she could work at Bickford’s in Woburn on two late shifts
I said I would arrange it…She was Amazing, she could be the manager the cook and waitress all at one time…Later she also worked at Bickford’s in Burlington, Somerville, and Waltham, Saugus, Peabody and Swampscott.
Everyone in each of these a Restaurants loved to work w your Mom…
Marie was there for everyone but especially her Family
She loved her kids and grandchildren so much.. She would talk so proudly of you all…..Happy Birthday Marie and thank you for all the lives you touched..”

Family Doctor
Dr. Melanie DeSouza

“I am so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. Your mother was a wonderful woman. I always enjoyed when you two came in together. She was lucky to have such a wonderful and caring son who took such great care of her every step of the way. If all my patients had such love in their love the world would be a better place. Your mother is finally at peace and without pain. You are your mother’s legacy so I am sure her final wishes are that you take care of yourself. I am here if you need me.”


Melanie de Souza

Co-Worker; Walmart, Palm Harbor
Lynda White

“I was at work one day, when a new friend joined us to stay, she was so happy and bright, she shined like a starlight, that day I met one of my best friends, that was there always to the end, we had so much fun together, you could always make someone’s day better, when you were not there we missed you then, and even now we miss you even more my wonderful friend. I’m no good at poetry but one thing I know I still think of and miss her so much everyday. She was a great co-worker but most of all a great best friend.”

Neighbor and Family Friend
Nancy Seymour

“Marie was my neighbor who didn’t want to move in when she saw I had a cute little Bichon who was fine. It was her big sister my gentle White Golden Retriever who looked like s polar bear To Marie. She told John this move wasn’t happening. Yet, Alley in all if her grace and majesty I think sensed Marie’s trepidation. Alley walked up to her and sat down and put out her paw then leaned on Marie who was captivated. Then as time progressed, Alley would sit down and I showed Marie how she would give her a hug . That’s all it took, those big brown eyes looking so trusting up to Marie. Instant bond. Often if I let my girls out to enjoy the sun, Marie would invite them inside . Marie raved about her to all.
Marie and I would also have tea and just talk. I loved my time with her. She loved her family and her job… and the fact “ her Johnny” got a job there so they could share more time together was amazing to me. She was independent and knew he tried to do so much for her yet she always saw his actions were out of his love and devotion to her. I still reflect on our friendship and value our time together. What a wonderful lady.”

Nancy Seymour

3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Elementary School Friend
Joe Monte

“I’ve read your comments about your mother, and they were a joy to me. I liked your mother very much; I think that anyone who knew her did. She was nice enough to bring my books to my home when I was sick. My mother was delighted to meet her. I wasn’t so thrilled to get the books, but I did appreciate the thought.”

Co-Worker, Howard Johnsons
Robynlee Bigglestone-Thomas

“I remember ur Mom as a great hardworking coworker….. always had a smile on he face with those amazing smiling eyes with plenty of mascara on! She was a wonderful woman.”

Friend; Classmate, Stoneham High School
Dolores Lannon Mack

From John:  A Facebook Memory popped up today, 1-16-2017, from 7 years ago started from her high school friend, Dolores Mack.  It reminded me so much of the days when she talked about her high school records hops and dancing….

Dolores:  “Marie, Remember Richardsons car-hop at Wellington Circle, The Meadows Drive-in movie, and the Stoneham Spa where we ordered cherry cokes and french fries while listening to the jukebox. Great times!”

Marie:  “Dolores, I sure do rememnber, but that was the Meadow Glenn Drive In, and Richards Car Hop. Ha Ha!!!! I really miss all those good times. Love, Marie”

Dolores:  “Marie, Wow, your memory is great! The names of the places we haunted are foggy but the good times I’ll never forget. Your brother, Frankie, looks great. Just love those high school pictures.”

Cheryl Crane
Liz Pugsly Crane

“dear marie: i have many great memories of you. i remember when something happened at home and you took me destiny and mummy into your house for the night and gave me and destiny your bed while you slept somewhere else. you took us out for dinner at a retaurant, you were actually the one i remember who first gave me alfredo. you took care of me and destiny while you guys were working at howard johnsons and we had no babysitter…those are only a few things, there are sooo much more. you used to always be another family member to us and i will never ever forget. i will miss you and i love you very very much!! “

Neighbor and Friend
Geri Willingham

“My story is…..beautiful Marie’s stories. I simply loved that she so easily, honestly, would come next door, relax and share thoughts and experiences with us. She did make us feel like Family – that ability is rare and wonderful. You are in our hearts always, Marie.”

Co-Worker; Walmart
Lynda White

“My dear friend Marie may you rest in peace. I still think of you every day and miss you dearly. I could not have worked with a more beautiful caring person as when I worked with you. You knew how to make someone who was having a bad day turn it into a good day, make someone smile when everything seemed to being going wrong, make all mothers proud and love their more and more every day, someone who loved her children more than life, and I know you are singing with the angels up above waiting till we all see you again one day. Until then you will be greatly missed but remain in our hearts forever more.”

Friend and Neighbor
Martha Harrison

John and Sam,

“I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.  She was proud of you and loved you very much!! She was a lot of fun.  A few of my favorite memories:

– The baby shower at your house for her co-worker at Walmart; I still have the “penis” spoon.
– The first time I saw her after I left James… she said “Martha, you look amazing, you should get divorced more often.”
– The time after her eye surgery where she had to sleep with her head down and I brought the Xanax to you in a snack size Ziplock sandwich bag.”

Love, Martha

Martha-John 1

Friend and Past Co-Worker
Brenda Patsalos

“I had purchased a tiny cafe in Dunedin.  I was working all by myself this one day January when I noticed a woman sitting by herself.  I went over to get her drink order and she replied I see you are the only one here.  Are you cooking and waiting on people?  I replied yes.  She immediately got up and started to help.  She  was my angel.  After the rush we sat and talked foe a long time… Marie stayed and helped me close up.  From that day on she worked for me side by side.  We grew very close from then on.  She is an amazing woman, always so positive about everything.  Marie taught me a lot about life and family.  We became so close that she confided in me about her life.  The stories she shared with me ï will treasure for life.  I have learned so much from her and I know she was put into my life for a good reason.  There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her.  I am glad to be a part of this memory book.  Thank you so much John for including me.  I miss mama Marie as if she were my mother.  She treated me as family and for that I am so thankful.  I couldn’t have asked for a better person to be in my life.  Rip till we meet again”

John's Little Brother
Eddie Forosisky

“I can remember when I was a kid I first was paired up with John through the Big Brother’s program and we had become very close, constantly going bowling, out to Globetrotters games, and even to NYC to see the Statue of Liberty….

But none of that compared to the time we spent at his mom’s house in Everett, where I still live to this day.  I can remember times when we would go there his mom always had the most warm and loving smile as well as hugs.  There were times John would take me out to eat, but I would always have to save room for some of Marie’s old fashioned Italian cooking…. My God could she bake and cook up a storm in the kitchen!!!

How John was able to prepare for the Army on the super rich Italian diet is beyond me, but every single thing Marie ever did was filled with love and her heart above all else!  I will always remember that!”

Co-Worker and Friend; Walmart, Raleigh
Kris “MsStuff” Rogers

“This was one of my favorite ladies from Walmart!!! I miss the “Hello Doll” and the waves as she passed customer service. I miss the “See ya Later pretty girl” and another wave as I got off work and walked pass her express lane register. Her distinctive accent and trash talking was uncanny too! Rip to another great mom who showed me how great a mother & son’s bond could become!”

John's Amazing Lifelong Friend
Kathleen (Maher) McCudden

“Literally every memory I have of John, Marie is in it, starting from the very first one. I was 9 years old when John and Marie came into my life. I delivered newspapers and Marie subscribed to home delivery. I don’t remember which one. ..maybe the Boston Sunday Globe? I was the “papergirl”. My first memory of my dear friend John was his mother opening the door and introducing me to him. John and I connected but we fell out of touch, as young children will but reconnected as teenagers. To really know John was to know his mother. John loved his mother always even through those emotional roller-coaster angst ridden years when most people rebel against thier mom,  John never did. I remember shopping with John I don’t know when or why but we were looking at shoes for me I think and he saw a pair that he wanted for his mom.  That’s how he is, his mom was always on mind. He took part time jobs to be with her! The HoJos years I remember most fondly. I truly feel like John and Marie are part of my family. He has a huge heart thanks to Marie.”

"Second Mother To Me"
John Rappold III

“I have lots and could probably go on all day, but one of my favorites was when she was sleeping and John spoke to her as if she was at work. Asking her things like

How much was a short stack of pancakes. Marie, still sleeping answered all the questions. 😀”

P.S. – John this was her favorite photo of you so in it went! 🙂

Co-Worker; Howard Johnson's
Robynlee Bigglestone-Thomas

“She was such a proud Mom… that would light up the room and sparkling brown eyes w/ tons of mascara that would sparkle life….such a life force! this is my memory of ur Mom.”


General Area Supervisor; Howard Johnson's
Joe Egan

“The words that come quickly when I think of Marie…lovings, happy, great sense of humor, always met you with a big smile..She was one of the hardest worker I have ever known. I remember many a nite when I was leavings Woburn or Saugus. I thought to myself it’s after 11 pm so I will drop by by to check on Ho Joes.. Most late nites Marie, Connie,Cheryl and Rachael.

I always knew this would be a fun visit..I remember when I gave Marie her Ho Joe watch she was so proud of it..She was the ideal Mom as she was so proud of all her kids and grandkids..We all share in your loss as a Marie comes once in a lifetime. Marie from everyone thank you for just being you!!”

Co-Worker; Wal*Mart
Cheryl Wilson

“John I worked with your mom for a short while at Wal*Mart. We would sit at Subway and visit. She talked about a dinner play you took her to. And what a nice time you had and that you were so wonderful to her. When she spoke of you she was so proud. She was telling me about being from Massachusetts. We would talk about our families and and the great memories! And she had a lot of them. I miss her too. But I feel honored to be in her life and getting to know her even though I worked there not long.”

Co-Worker and Friend
RJ Osler

“Her smile and sweet demeanor despite craziness at work. If she caught me not smiling she always would smile and let me know it is alright.  “Don’t worry so much hunny *lil NY accent* ??”

Co-Worker and Friend
Jen Ermini

“I have so many fun memories! I absolutely loved Marie’s personality and hard work nature about her. We would laugh all the time. She was someone I looked up to when I was a young teenager. Marie was always there for me to talk to. I never grew up with a grandmother figure and Marie was just that for me! She invited me I to her home and heart. She made me feel special and loved. She supported me with whatever I did in my life. After we both stopped working for Bickfords – Marie moved away but she always kept in touch! A Christmas card or just a friendly message through Facebook, which I still have! I still have cards from her too! I have some pictures also. Marie was by best one of the best people I’ve ever know and had the pleasure to have a very good relationship with. I love you Marie aka Nana. You were amazing and we all still think about you often! Xo
Thinking of you especially more today!”

Co-Worker and Friend
Phyllis M. Gobbi

“Where do I begin about your mother.  Your Mom was one of a kind.  She was helpful, honest, and filled EVERYONE with love.  She talked to me about you alot.  But more so when you came to Boston and planned that special date with her.  I will keep you in my prayers.”

Co-Worker; Walmart, Palm Harbor, FL
Pam Kroening Reynolds

“I have never forgotten Miss Marie. My fondest memory of her was taking the Jolly Trolley from the end of New York Avenue to Clearwater Beach…we both had 2 “blue looking” cocktails at I think the PAVILLON??? All I know is that I had an exceptional time with her…we had a great time, and a ride home!!! Soo missing you Miss Marie…..”


Co-Worker; Howard Johnson's Restaurant
Maureen Souza

Maureen sent a beautiful card and wanted to include the following:
“The shoe on this card reminded me of a classy lady (your mom).  What I remember most is when your mother was manager at Howard Johnson’s.  While I did my shift, she was so kind, loving, and caring to me – also during my father’s illness.  Always a smile and never had a harsh word for her crew.  She made our job that much easier.  We shared a lot of memories, laughter, and tears.  I will never forget her.”

Love, Moe.

In Memory of Marie Pignone Randazzo

I was OVER-JOYED today to have received the finished Quilts made out of Ma’s clothes…. It has been a year and a half in them making…. and we owe all the love and dedication to Trina Schellhammer of Sew to Remember Quilts.

The following was a letter I sent to her expressing our gratitude….

Trina –

Words will never be able to describe what I feel when I look at what just arrived to our door… I first thought that you had shipped the clothes you did not use but after opening the 2nd box, I was shaken with so much joy…..

What you made for us is utterly amazing. I am floored, speechless, and so extremely grateful for the TWO beautiful quilts that celebrate me, Diana, and my mother’s lives together.

Every single detail you read, touched, thought vigorously about, pieced, stitched, binded, and everything else along the way, including you keeping Diana and I in every part of your process was perfect and unmatched with anything we have ever seen.

This is more than a QUILT. It is pure LOVE of YOUR labor. I say it purposely in that order. As we look at the detail of everything, it is so apparent how much thought you had to put into each and every block, even within the same block! And even WRAPPED for our total surprise!

God and fate found you and made YOU the only person I would have ever wanted to do this….

You have become a very special person to Diana and I and we will never forget the pure LOVE you put into our mother’s memory quits.

THANK YOU just has to be said, but there is so much more that I feel from all this……

With much love, and so much gratitude.
John Pignone Reed

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Samuel Reed

Many Years of her Love of YOU and US….

“I remember how proud she was of you, always! Proud that you are a strong man who would stand up and get what you felt was right. I remember how happy she was to move into Belneath CT. and how she would clean every day just in case you might stop in “to check”. I remember how excited she was around Christmas time when we would surprise her with a decorated tree and the old (I still claim fire dangerous) Christmas carol snow machine. I remember how she loved our trip to Newport RI to see how the other half lived, understanding that none of it made any difference as long as she had her kids. While you may not get memories all the time written here, you should never forget just how much she touched everyone that was lucky enough to know your mother, and who is forever with us.   Always thinking of her!!!”


Radiation Center Nurse, and FRIEND
Linda Goddard Wise

“My story of Marie is so different than most. I didn’t get to see the one most of you talked about. I met Marie the “fighter”. And boy, was she strong. No matter what was thrown at her, she never complained or said poor me. It was always about her family and her determination not to give in. We laughed, we cried, we laughed so hard until we cried. It was a instant connection, like when you meet someone you feel you have known all your life. We didn’t get the opportunity to go out and do things fun, but I can tell you, her and John brightened my day Monday through Friday. She told me about all her vacations she took with John. Things she had seen or done, her friends but mostly her family. I don’t think she could ever stop talking about her love for them. So Marie was not only my patient, she became my friend.

From John:  The photo you see here is a picture of Linda and her Dad who passed away only shortly after Ma.  Ma and I only had the chance once to meet her Dad Eddy, ironically in the radiation center.  Linda’s love for her Dad and family echoes the feelings that I have which is why we were so connected.  Linda appreciated me for who I was, and the special relationship that Ma and I shared, and was always willing to hear me out about anything.  She never passed any judgement on me being so close to my mother.  LINDA kept me strong and comforted me when I needed it most.  She has become such a friend and confidant to me, and I am truly a believer of people being in your life for a reason, and for me and Ma, Linda was our Saint of EVERYONE we saw through the whole treatment….”

Friend & Neighbor
Geri Willingham

“One of the ironies of my knowing Marie was that I got to spend more time with her after she became ill. It just happened that way.  As much as I wanted to go have lunch with her, check out shops downtown, have her come over during the day – it didn’t happen often enough. She often felt she was interrupting my work, I was often in and out etc. etc. like Life is. But with treatment after Marie was diagnosed with cancer I was happy that I could sometimes help by going with her for treatments or check ups.

She always seemed comfortable with me and I was always just happy just spending the time it gave us together. We would be laughing and she would be telling me stories and it was like we knew each other forever.  It was always her making me forget she even had cancer. Which is why when I was asked to make an “Art-Bra” to auction off as a fund raiser for cancer in downtown Dunedin – and I finished this Bird’s Nest by Mother Nature bra, I just had to show Marie! It just never occurred to me that something related to a cancer fund might bother her.  Well, it sure did not and she just loved it! Further, she said – you know I bet that would look really good on me! She put it on, I took pictures and we laughed ourselves silly.  Dear Marie – I love you so.”

Her Loving Friends and Confidants
Bob & Andrea Plowman

“Went in for Coffee one night , began taking with her, found out she use to work with my brother at Turnstyle Dept. store, he was her supervisor, he said they use to call her Dolly and that he use to babysit for her as well ! Next visit to Hojo’s, I called her Dolly , when she found out who I was we became friends instantly, over the next couple of years I got to meet her Kid’s , we became best of friends through all, always there for each other. Then she convinced me to work at Hojo’s with her as a waitress, Never did it before, but she made it fun. First night working with her, 7 customers that she knew came in and she made me wait on their table. Coffee & English muffins, bill was $ 20.00, left me a $100.00 tip !!!!! We joked around the rest of the night.  Andrea

The first time I met Marie, Andrea told me her last name, I looked at my wife and said really ? Is she still with him ? Long story, but had a run in with Frank Sr. when he was a Policeman in Medford, parked in front of Andrea’s home, saying goodnight, we hear a banging on the window, I look out driver’s window, Guess Who ??? When I told Marie how I was going to get out of my car and go after him , she asked why I didn’t ? Andrea’s dad Charlie was sitting on the porch stopped me ! As time went by, mare would on occasion spend the night at our house if the weather was bad or if she was tired, No problem, I love to bust them on people, I would often say Marie, Do you want me to keep you warm? She would burst out laughing, or I would say Marie there’s plenty of room in our bed, how bout it ??? Again she would laugh so hard, I would always take things she said and would turn them into a dirty nature, I did it to see her laugh after all she told us. I think she needed it and enjoyed it, Our only regret was that we did not see her before her passing, She’s left a hole in both our heart’s, Her picture sits in our living room on an end table, every once in a while, I’ll say to the picture Marie, How bout it ? and laugh And by the way for someone who never liked cat’s she loved our Simone who was put down in 2011, Maybe she’s keeping her company !

Dolly we miss you and you will forever be in our Hearts, one day will meet again, and I’ll ask that question again ! I’ll probably get kicked out of heaven for asking, but for a laugh, it would be worth it ! Bob

As I signed my letter’s to Andrea, Always and Forever in our hearts and with our Love You’ll be our best friend forever, Andrea & Bob”

Mother-In-Law, and Friend
Chrissy Peledge

“I don’t know where to begin with my relationship with Marie….I will never forget the day I met her… I had just started dating Frankie back in 1989 I walked into his apartment and there was this stunning woman sitting at a table with a cigarette in hand looking at me like “you hurt him I’ll kill you” !!!!   But that was so far from the truth….She welcomed me and made me feel truly loved for many years to come… I guess THE most important moment I remember was having a conversation with her after Frankie and I got back from our cruise in 2013 a couple of months before she died….We had an amazing conversation which ended up changing mine and Frankies life for ever….she truly had insight to what needed to be done an my happiness today is because of Marie……I miss her and will love her always in my heart…..Chrissy”

John Pignone Reed

One of my fondest and funniest trip memories with my mother was when we went on her first cruise in 2007. Since she had never been on a cruise before, we anticipated trying to get her to go out on one of the shore excursions, possibly to snorkel! Well at first mention, she was like “Are you crazy I am not getting into water in the middle of the ocean!” That was so her, and what I miss so much. So what we did was bought her a set of snorkel gear and slowly but surely trained her in the pool with it. She actually thought it was easy, and did great with it. We did this for about 2 months on the weekends before leaving for the cruise.

Once the time came for the cruise, she was very excited. I am sure nervous too, but she did not really mention it to me, but I knew. Once we got checked in and got onto the ship, she was utterly amazed…. I honestly wish one of the photos I took on that cruise was her face when she walked on. What a smile and excitement running through her. It was for me the best I could ever see her.

So as we sailed and on the sea days, she had a hillarious motto “Where we going.” Everywhere we were she thought there was so much going on, that she looked to me all the time and said “Where we going.” It just made us laugh and laugh the whole time, and it became a catch phrase even after the cruise and into the years ahead. She found the Casino and had a blast in that.

On the day of the snorkeling shore excursion, we took a boat ride out to the middle of the ocean, as she called it, she got all suited up, and walked into the water! I was so amazed and proud of her. She got into the water, and used the snorkel gear! It was so great. The fish views that day were crappy, but she did so great! See some of the photos on this memory to the right!

Meanwhile back in the cabin, we were both getting such a charge laughing about the toilet flush… As soon as she heard the noise of it when I flushed it for the first time, she was in uncontrollable laughter. We must have been laughing for like an hour…. I ended up video taping a flush to take back with us! It was a beautiful trip and I am so thankful to have this and many other memories of the most beautiful and influential person in my life, My mother. Xoxoxoxoxo

Toilet Video Here 🙂

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Hojo's Friend and Co-Worker
Cheryl Crane

“When I first met Marie she changed my life.  She was caring, strong, and loved life.  She was also funny– she owned the night shift she loved her coffee time having my coffee darling no matter how bad it got she took the bull by the horns made it work.

I remember this kid Matt, and we were cleaning up our shift was ending he had this girl do his tables she surprised a little inspection apparently she didn’t do his tables Marie yelled out Mathew busted him made him do it!  He yelled out thanks Nicole.   Then there was a time we were in the office smoking all of us she came back so this is where my wait staff is “All your party’s just walked out the door” and we all ran out there omg lolol… we had such fun.

On a personal note I had hit a low point in life she came picked up me and my girls took us to dinner opened her home to us for the night never one judgment was made never we felt so safe she really impacted our lives with so many memories with her I can’t even count them.  Of course me and Diana decided to let off steam we threw plates hahaha and cups she came in what in the world remember Diana and the countless times we hung out.

Marie I’ll always love you you hold a special place in my heart always I miss you so much darling dolly heaven’s got a special angel.  Diana, Johnny, you’ll always be in my thoughts I love you both.”

Frank “Butchie” Pignone

“Thank you, first of all John, for loving my sister ; your lovely Mom who loved you dearly; for setting up this   heartfelt Memorial . What a beautiful idea straight from your heart. I will be posting many times as my Sister and I were so close , if you took an X Ray of us side by side you’d swear we were one body.

People in life live many segments and get so many titles as they live during the Decades given by the Lord as Son/Daughter ; Mother/Father/ Sister; Brother; Cousin ; Friend, Student and many more as we take part and live on the magnificent sphere we all share.

We are also all ‘very different’ with all the emotions and feelings God allows us to live with ; what we like; what we permit and ‘why’; our ‘Toughness or Gentleness’ and ‘allowances’ we give to those who want us for love, friendship,..which these people believe is ‘love’ and ‘take advantage’ of our ‘inborn instincts and feelings’ because we cannot say ……” NO “.   And when we don’t say the ‘appropriate’ and necessary “No” and say ‘Yes’ ( or more often.. ‘Well, O.K.”) we don’t realize at that significant moment or moments; we may be changing what our World should have become and set ourselves up for a world of pain, struggle, illness, desperation, and pressures we never expected while pushing our cute Doll Carriages, or riding our cute new Bicycle and ‘looking ahead’…… And these ‘areas’ were oh so powerfully inscribed into the life of my First Friend as I was hers as WE, stood side by side, walked together, ran together, and played and laughed together on the city streets of South Medford, Mass.

We were born ” Marie Elizabeth Pignone ” and” Francis Paul Pignone Jr.” She was my parent’s pride and joy as the only girl among three boys. I so remember her early smiles; so lovely and so loving. Her smile and heart were always her trademarks .  Our lives together on 76 Winchester Street, ;First Floor South Medford, Mass. began in the Early war years of the 1940’s so happy with serenity. And both of us had absolutely no idea of the future ‘Roller Coasters’ within and without our immediate families ‘others’ would almost by force would bring to us with their fractured, wayward, desperate, alcoholic, mental, exposing our young child’s minds to areas of life a child was ‘not ready for’ in a completely ‘Dysfunctional’ rearing , together with the ‘things’ we needed for our lives as toys, clothes, food….support and hard work would give. However the most important item was almost always missing and that should have been the Greatest Gift that Dolly and Butchie should have received for just ‘showing up’ as children and that should have the gifts of ‘Serenity’ and Peace’……..

The above is only the ‘Premise’ of my Sister’s life knowing it as ONLY I , know it, lived it, and stood ‘side by side’ with it…The days of our youth as Brother and Sister were so bright in the 1940’s , and 1950’s, even with some of the early Brutality and shaky existence we had so damn ‘privately’ when childrens’ mouths were ‘ordered’ to stay shut. And then the early 1960’s came…which should have been a period of fabulous young adult life for our family and especially ‘Dolly’ an absolutely good and loving woman… my Beautiful Sister who finally is ….At Peace.. with her earliest Joy… Her daughter Deborah Marie.”

Marie's Memory Book
Memory from Marie

The family gathering I remember best is:  “Christmas Eve” The year my Dad invited all of my high school friends – 1959″

High School and Lifelong Friend
Donna Ibrahim

“She once fixed me up on a blind date, w/her.  My date wouldn’t stop pestering me.  I told him if he didn’t quit it, I was going to hit him.  I did punch him in the face, he got a bloody nose & ur mother taunted him by chanting “so & so got a bloody nose by a girl” I thought the guy was really going to get pissed & let me have it.  I was scared.  My last double date w/ur mom.”

Lots of love

Lorna Donaher

“Dolly was a wonderful mother, wife, daughter and aunt.  My 2 children adored her and miss her a lot.  When I married her brother I gained a sister.  We worked together at the Turnstyle store in Medford and had a ball.  She had many ups and downs in her marriage but was always there for me and my kids and I for her.  We had Sunday dinners at her parents house.  We shared a lot together.  Even when I divorced we kept in touch often and talked a lot about old times. I miss her a lot. Love you Dolly”

Friend; Classmate, Stoneham High School
Dolores Lannon Mack

“Marie was a very happy girl. A smile came quickly to her face. Just talking with her in the morning before the school bell rang would brighten your entire day. One spring afternoon in 1959, I sat on the steps of SHS with a term paper that I wrote about hypnosis in my hand. Tears were in my eyes, Marie sat down next to me and asked why I was so sad and could she do anything to help me. I told her that my English teacher was going to give me an F on my term paper due to the many typo errors that were on it. I had one day to make the corrections. I needed to get a good grade on this paper to graduate. I didn’t know how to type very well because I was not in the business course. The paper was ten pages long with many footnotes. It looked like an impossible task for me to get done in one day. Marie offered to retype my paper that night and she would meet me the next morning in front of the school with the corrected term paper. The next day the school bell rang and Marie did not meet me as planned. I was frantic! During second period I saw Marie running down the hall towards me waving the paper in her hand. I got a B on the paper and gave my dear friend Marie a huge hug. Wonderful memories of Marie will always be a part of my life.”

Teenage, High School Friend
Jean (Pignato) Melanson

“I met Marie sometime after she moved to Stoneham, Bonad Road.  That was around 1956.  We became friends as I lived on Myopia Road, which was a short distance from her house.  We got to know each other and often were at each others houses.”

“Fun times with Marie were many!  One of my favorite memories was going to the Lynnfield Starlight Ballroom and dancing the night away, under the stars and moonlit sky!

She always loved to dance and always had her dancing shoes ready to go!  So many good times to have when the beautiful Marie was around.  Marie was the best friend anyone could ever have.”

Nancy Pignone

“I remember many times Dolly coming over to nana’s after working all day at Howard Johnson’s. As soon as she walked in the fighting started. Nana would always say something too tick her off. And Dolly would say what did u say.. What are u talking about ma.. Uncle Philip myself and Philip Jr would be in the parlor listening to them screaming at each other over nothing but Nana always had a way of setting her off. We would say to each other here they go again but we stayed in the other room ans let them be. It was really funny though because all in all they really loved each other and it was there way of communicating with each other. Out-screaming each other in there Italian way.”
Love Auntie Nancy

Friend & Neighbor - Raleigh, NC
Nancy Seymour

“It all began when she was looking at the town home next door. She was an attractive woman and later I found she was always interested in what you had to say. She saw my Bichon and was fine but when my large beautiful cream colored golden retriever trotted up.. That was it. She told Johnny I can’t mo r here I’m afraid of ” that big dog”. Alley was gentle, calm spirited, friendly, and loved everyone. Marie wasn’t having it. Yet one day she saw alley sit and raise both paws to give me a hug… That was all it took. Marie totally changed her point of view. She wanted a hug from Alley. Both my girls became favorites of hers and she always showed them off as her friends.

I also recall we would have hot tea on her porch and just visit. Marie talked about her job, her children, her life over the years. She loved each one of her children yet there was a special bond with Johnny. She had a deep respect for him and such pride on his accomplishments. She knew he took a job at Walmart just to be able to share that time with her. She would always say he goes too much way too much… Like a new car, her home, taking her out with him and Sam. I say geared that he recalled how she worked many jobs to hold them together. So he was simply returning her live and kindness. I was always invited to Thanksgiving as I had only one sister far away. Marie was not going to accept u would be happy being alone in a holiday.

She aged gracefully in one way yet fought that she was changing. When they moved to Florida we vowed to stay in touch… And we did. She was a great neighbor. I still miss her… Yet I’m so grateful to have been in her world.”

Marie's Memory Book
Memory from Marie

In a typical day, I remember my mother doing:  “Washing, Ironing for all of us.  Sunday mornings making gravy and meatballs and yelling at us because we were eating them all.”

What I remember most about the way my mother looked when she was young is:  “She was beautiful.”

Friends & Neighbors
Geri Willingham/Lee Mullen

“Lee and I were simply blessed to have Marie, Sam and John move right next door to us!! One evening Marie had come over (probably bringing one of those huge bowls of pastafazule or chicken soup). We sat down to chat and I said something like I’m sure glad you came over. Her reply was well I’d like to be ironing. I love ironing for Sam and John. They don’t think I should but I love it! I said IRONING….you can’t be serious, here, have some wine.   She was serious. But she had some wine.”

Co-Worker, Friend
Michael Alessandroni

“I don’t remember what year it was, but it was the latter month of August. Marie and her daughter Diana had birthdays a couple of days apart. One year the family went to a place on Congress Street to go see some dinner theater. It was the Murder Mystery Café. I was allowed to tag along. After the show, one of the performers asked the crowd if anyone was here for their birthday. Five people raised their hands including Marie and Diana. All five people got up in front of the room and the man had the entire room sing Happy Birthday to them. After we finished, the guy turned to the five people and said, “Now that we sang for you, you’re going to sing for us.” He had them sing the song, “I’m A Little Tea Cup.” Not only did he have them sing it, but he had them do all the movements that went with the song. Marie got into this so much, she looked as if she was performing in front of her grandkids when they were four. To this day, I wish that I had a video phone with me that night. The thing for me is not the remembering. It is the fact that when someone mentions Marie’s name, a smile comes across my face. And for anyone who knows me, can tell that doesn’t happen for me about a lot of people.”

Kristina Randazzo

“I remember when I was a little girl, and my Nana was working at Ho Jo’s. This was the best for me because I knew I could have all the chocolate chip ice cream I wanted! As soon as I walked in she would have the biggest, most welcoming smile on her face. Nana always smelled the same, with the perfume she would wear. The first thing she would always ask me was,”what do you want?” I always told her I wasn’t that hungry, and she made me go to the buffet while she got me my chocalate chip ice cream. She always worked so hard! My Nana never sat down for one minute. I never thought she would be gone, before I got a chance to say good bye….”You’re gone but not forgotten.”
